About Us

Embellir (um-bee-leer)
We are a manufacturer, retailer, and supporter of natural and organic products and nutritional supplements and other natural products made available to customers who are looking for alternative ways to attain and maintain good health.

Our website opens the door to a wonderful world!  You should not choose to live and not have at lease a basic knowledge of how to use plants for illness and aging.  The healing abilities of plants can drastically change your health; thereby, changing your life.  They can add beauty, vitality, and nourishment---straight from the earth.  They increase your life force and build a strong immune system.  We need plant healing now more than ever with the onset of extremely expensive conventional care and often dangerous.  We want to offer our expert and time-proven alternatives--food inside & outside.  We want to show you how to read the signs given by your tongue, eyes, nails, kin, poop, urine, and symptoms!

Embellir represents a fusion of nature and formulations promoting and formulating products with natural oils, herbs, extracts, and botanicals--PURE NUTRITION for your inside and your outside--using products on your body and consuming products into your body that agree with your organic nature with maximum benefits being realized because the body will not reject them, but is able to assimilate them without experiencing harmful side effects.  Products that deliver optimum results based on a healthy natural living style--products that will assist you to reverse the damaging effects of age, environmental toxins, and stress.

We promote health through a comprehensive range of natural and organic products. We believe in taking advantage of all aspects of healing including mainstream procedures and medicines; but our main focus is on phytonutrients and plant therapy. We use and apply ancient wisdoms with today’s advancements to help our customers achieve and maintain optimum well-being. We promote a necessitation for life-style changes, wholistic education, innovative wellness products, less dependency on prescription drugs, a clean earth, a clean home environment, and developing a spiritual life centered around the biblical scriptures.

Embellir is about rediscovering and embracing wise ways wisdoms and helping to provide an avenue for those who wish to have control over their health as opposed to physician and drug dependencies. Those who want to forge a healthier future individually and for their descendants. We strive to combine the best of the past with the best of today.

We promote a necessitation for life-style changes, wholistic education, innovative wellness products, less dependency on prescription drugs, a clean earth, a clean home environment, and developing a spiritual life centered around the biblical scriptures. We embrace a philosophy that many people find astonishing--the notion that every individual has ultimate control over his or her health.

We are not against doctors nor believe that tofu and wheatgrass are all we are meant to eat. However, we realize that many people are wearying of today’s mass industrialism and drug pushing commercialism; wearying of food devoid of nutrients; and wearying of using harsh products laden with harmful chemicals. They want a LIFESTYLE that creates a healthy, happy environment and both a sense of fulfillment and “sanctuaries” from the hustle and bustle of today’s world.

You will be astonished at the almost miraculously way ordinary lemon juice and baking soda work as cleansers, how pure essential oils have been reported to beat toxic carbolic acid as a disinfectant, that there are more than 70 known components in peppermint, and how using natural body care can protect your first line of defense--- the skin!

The ancient Greeks scented their floors with wild violets, the Romans sat in herb gardens, Cleopatra bathed in milk, King David of Israel consumed hyssop, royal women in their 70’s who looked in their 40’s swore by olive oil, and African women used ochre, shea butter, and herbs to maintain great looking skin and hair. Welcome to our world!


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